Monday, August 13, 2007

DC Moments #1: Air Force Memorial

The moon, the sun
The bad men, the good men,
The indifferent
And the August stars that bridge their gravity
All Sleep
In this abandoned hour

But I -

I sit and love the pewter sky
(Beneath these vicious arms,
The flyers' shifting cathedral with dome uncapped
Indivisible space
As grave-courtesy demanded)

Love her for the red and stillborn dawn
She might
Still bear in arms of mutinous cloud
To me, a pigeon, a church bell clamoring

While all the dreaming world
Held hostage, naked in a crowd, taking tea with the deceased
Who oddly enough resist decomposition
Transfixed in reveries and night terrors
That no deadbolt hindered even,
Lies at my feet unclaimed
The city of no man (no moon!) no star in August pining for a darker sky
And sleeps a little more

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