Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Poems for Jesus: #2

So long I spoke to you in thees and thous
And searched for tongues of kings of Camelot
With which to offer praise and swear my vows -
Some words to let a soul uncram its thought!
I prayed, a psalter's rolling sonorous
"Lord Christ, do not desert this heart your home,
And with your presence, honor us,"
But could not say, "Jesus, I feel alone!"
With longing to distill that God-ache blurred
By trite dull rhymes and bare-boned lexicons
I plucked at words my cradle never heard
But wept to find each lovely phrases's bonds:
No simile could make make a Truth alive,
But in that ash, a child's hope's revived.
That language briefly and lowly charms a king,
And simple words in heaven longest ring.


grackyfrogg said...

thank you for your comment on my blog. it's my pleasure and privilege to offer my support.

you are a wonderful writer, by the way. please keep it up.

(i particularly liked this poem and your "catering to the coward" post.)

Anonymous said...

As always, you touch my heart with beauty of your words and the longings of your soul. You are a gift to all who read your prose and poetry.